Sara Baartman

picture of sara baartman


This is Sara Baartman, called “Saartjie”. She was said to be born in 1770 in Camdeboo Valley, the eastern part of Cape Colony, in present-day South Africa.

Sara was captured, after her lover and partner was murdered, taken to England by two men known as William Dunlop and Hendrik Cesar. She was tricked into signing a contract to perform in what was known as a freak show, in England, without knowing the terms and conditions.

Why the contract?

Now Sara, also called Hottentot Venus, had a condition known as Steatopygia, an abnormal accumulation of fat around the buttocks of women of certain races, giving them a protruding behind.

This caused the duo of William Dunlop and Hendrik to subject Sara into undergoing some inhumane treatment in the name of entertainment and money making.

Sara was scantily clad and made to perform on stage with a cigarette in her mouth, displaying her large buttocks and guys touching and pressing most times!

Her protests against the unwarranted invasion of her private part by strangers fell on deaf ears. Most went further to poke her vagina as well. Causing her pain and discomfort. She was paid little or nothing for all the wickedness which lasted for 4 years in Piccadilly Square, England.

After the death of William Dunlop, Sara was taken to an animal trainer in Paris named Reaux, where she was forced to amuse onlookers and passersby at the Palaise-Royal.

Poverty was her name as she didn’t have enough money to fend for herself. She lived from hand to mouth.

Sara later died in December 1815 of inflammatory disease…and you would think That is where it ends, right?…No way. Her remains were dissected and put in a museum for people to view!…what a fate!

To think that most women in our present day society would pay huge sums of money just to have butt implants!

What do you have that is a huge attraction to people?

Could be your beauty, voice or body structure. Careful and guard against interlopers who would want to exploit and put you in horrible conditions and situations like dear Sara Baartman.